melinda herndon and tri divas in san diegoSo, here we are in 2009. My last triathlon of the 2008 season was on a blisteringly cold day near the end of October and since that time, I have been a gym irregular and have done no training. That said, I have my first event of the new year coming up in just two short weeks; so, if you hear about some old lady dropping dead in the middle of a tri, well, look no further than here to know for whom the bell tolls.
Here is a photo of a fun group of girls that I trained with last year which was headed up by the brilliant, talented, optimistic and highly motivating Martha Szufnarowski who is assuming the queen “B” diva position complete with crown and scepter, front row center.
I really like this photo because it is at the beginning of the event. The finish line ones are just awful. I am second from left in the back row.